For anyone who has property being rented knows the multiple challenges one can face. From the maintenance to tenant arrears, it’s certainly not the easiest of responsibilities. We list 10 reasons why using a property management company in Auckland is very important.

1. Investment Potential

When all is said and done, the very reason why you even have rental property is to invest and to have profitable investments, and investments that will provide a long term, positive return and growth for the foreseeable future.

Making use of a Property Manager that takes responsibility of a variety of essential tasks raises the odds of your property investment being a success. Property Investments should generate passive income for you! In short, Property Management increases investment potential.

2. Knowledge and Experience

Having an abundance of knowledge in pretty much any field is of utmost importance, even more so when it comes to complex world of investments. To outline the number of factors that can influence an investment, positively or negatively, is much too large to fit into this article. We’ll discuss that in a future article.

But for the purposes of this article and investment in property specifically, knowledge and experience can and will make a huge difference in your property’s success. The Rent Shop – Auckland City is run by highly experienced property investors and coaches that have completed many many miles in the property investment industry.

3. Marketing your Property

Having a stunning property, with all the space, rooms and features a family will ever need, in the most safe and idyllic area, but no-one knows about it, is detrimental to the success of your rental property.

The Rent Shop – Auckland City makes this process a big priority by bringing awareness to your property in multiple platforms, online and off. Once a prospective tenant visits the property the property manager guides the tenants in and around the property highlighting as much information as possible.

Another gap in marketing that an experience property manager will fill is informing your prospective tenants of the many features and advantages the property has. The detail in the marketing process is also incredibly important. This can make all the difference when your tenants are standing in the very rental property they desperately want but don’t know it.

4. Setting the Right Rate

For the experienced or inexperienced rental property owners, new to the property investment industry, you might be making a few tiny errors when determining the rental rate. Too low, and you could be losing out on your investment, too much and your property is at risk of being empty for weeks or even months which is the absolute worst situation you can be in. Avoid this risk and increase the chances of property investment success.

Property Managers know the market inside out. Their experience leads them to take the most crucial factors into consideration like location, the size of the property, the number of bedrooms, the condition of the property, features etc.

The Team at The Rent Shop Auckland City can accurately predict the actual market rent of your property and get the maximum return on your investment.

5. Getting Good Tenants

What do you mean by ‘good tenants’? Good tenants are tenants who:

Respect You – When the property is only for a family of 4 they don’t have 6 sleeping there in secret. If you don’t allow pets, they don’t keep one behind the scenes. Our Property Managers use an in-depth vetting process to get the right people!

Care For Your Property – Damage is unavoidable, but when it gets out of hand or goes unreported, it’s a clear sign that your tenants can have negative impact.

Pay On Time – This is probably the first sign of respect which brings us to our next section.

6. Avoiding Rental Arrears

To get to this point means that a few meaningful steps have already been successfully taken and your chances of property success is higher. This also means that you have the right tenants. The Rent Shop Auckland City’s Property Managers are always on the ball with rental collections to reduce or even better completely avoid overdue payments.

7. Having Peace of Mind

Many rental property investors have day jobs or other responsibilities that they have to take care of outside of the property itself. This means that they have a lot to worry about, stress about and focus on.

Imagine having a string of stressful responsibilities taken care of during the day by someone else! This is what The Rent Shop – Auckland City can do for you. We offer you piece of mind all the while your property is getting the best treatment for optimal success.

8. Optimal chance of Growth

We mention the importance of knowledge again, and knowledge is what leads you to this prime spot when in the property investment ‘game’. Take the significant steps outlined in this article to achieve optimal growth. How do I take these steps, their so vast?

Easy, take them with a Property Manager, preferably one from The Rent Shop who has the knowledge and experience to enhance your property investment.

9. Compliance

Another way to reduce the risk of property investment not performing well, is to stay compliant with The Residential Tenancies Act 1986 and the Healthy Homes Guarantee Act 2017. Recent changes mean that the fees you can incur from DIY property rental far outweigh the costs of hiring a professional property manager. It’s our job to know legislation inside out, so you don’t have to.

10. Passive Income

We believe that Property Investments should generate PASSIVE income for you and passive income is probably the most rewarding form of income available in our lifetime.